
Showing posts from August, 2022
  Labor Day: the Untold Story of American Exceptionalism by Scott S. Powell      For most people, Labor Day is a rather vague holiday without the clarity and meaning typically associated with other holidays. Yet in its most complete context, Labor Day should be recognized as the holiday that celebrates not only labor, but also the ideas, job creators and institutions central to the flourishing of the United States and its people.       For starters, consider the tools brought by the colonists that arrived in the New World along the eastern seaboard that would become the United States. These were the same rudimentary tools—such as shovels, axes, hoes, and ploughs—that had been used for prior centuries. But something happened in America that sped up economic development and transformed labor output beyond what had ever happened previously in human history.       Colonial America certainly benefited from the...
                  An American Gestapo and Bullets or Overwhelming Ballots? by Scott S. Powell         The Biden administration will go down in American history with the unique distinction of creating and empowering a government against the people. The original vision of American government as one that is of the people, by the people, and for the people has been dying from a thousand cuts and twisted into a rule of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite. And with that elite rule, a new pervasive corruption has come into being and compromised those elected to serve and also the unelected in the vast administrative state.       Corruption has no doubt existed from the beginning of government and politics. The United States got off to a remarkably good start because of its moral foundation, lack of class and aristocracy, and its remarkable constitution that prescribed a limited sc...
  World War III is here, so how do we win? by Scott S. Powell         As I have written previously, World War III is already here, although it is not yet a shooting war. Instead, it is for now a battle for the mind and soul—directed primarily at demoralizing the American people—disconnecting them from reality and undermining their sense of identity, virtue and belonging—their commitment to family, their faith in God, and their appreciation for their country. This stage of battle to demoralize the people has been all but completed and Americans have lost.       The next stage of the battle in World War III involves planned actions by internal and external enemies designed to destabilize American society. This second stage has also been pretty well completed—through the Covid pandemic of fear in which supply chains were broken, small businesses were shuttered, the work ethic was damaged and huge numbers of Americans lost ...
  A Chinese Trojan Horse in Great Forks, North Dakota? By Scott S Powell        When Chris Wray, the current director of the FBI who has served under Republican and Democrat administrations, emphatically speaks out about the greatest threat to America, people should listen.   Director Wray has said repeatedly to different audiences around the country: “There is just no country that presents a broader threat to our ideas, innovation, and our economic security than China… Chinese government hackers have stolen more of our personal and corporate data than all other countries combined.”       To obtain the most coveted data and information, which is defense and military-related, the Chinese employ multi-level strategies involving what they call United Front operations and infiltration in diverse sectors from political associations to individual politicians, from industry associations to specific businesses, and from academic insti...